53 W Main Street, Chester, New Jersey 07930


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It's coming...

Nov 19th, 20th and 21st! Any Class Time.

We've been running this silly-named event for many years now, and for good reason! The more friends and family we pull in for this event the more food we raise for local families. We've collected 1,000's of canned goods over the years but we won't stop there!

This also gives YOU, as a member or challenger, a unique 3-day opportunity to give back and pay it forward - maybe you've been talking to your friends and families about this crazy WOD or ALL OUT class you take at "Strong Together Chester", maybe your family members or friends have noticed a bit of a change in you? Maybe your energy? Maybe your size? Maybe your muscles? Maybe your energy? But the problem is you just can't explain it! Haha. We want to give back by hosting these buddy days so that you can enjoy a unique experience with your friends and family in a different way this holiday, and help us give back to our community in the process.

It might be a friend from your kids school you think would do great here, it might be someone you met at a bar (which happened to Jen D. and our newest member Connie recently!), or maybe it's a cousin from out of town... But what an awesome experience to show them how our community at Strong Together Chester rolls! Rolling in with a few cans and a box of stuffing to a random wide open Gym floor tucked in the back in the ghetto of Chester is likely NOT what they anticipated - but it will be something they come back for! I guarantee it!

I wanted to give you an early heads up! I know many of you look forward to bringing friends and family to this multiple, 3-day event! Come once, come twice, come thrice! Your and your buddy's ticket for an awesome WOD or ALL OUT class is ONE or AS MANY canned or non-perishable food items as you can muster for each class!


We are so blessed to HAVE what we NEED to survive and the extra we WANT in order to ENJOY Thanksgiving. Let's help others experience the same.

More details to come but priming you guys early this year :) Spread the joy!


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