This week, Coach Mike and I discussed the issue of Quality vs Quantity in regards to workouts at Strong Together Chester CrossFit.
"One of the things we've seen recently is people thinking they need to workout more instead of working out better or more intense. The time of your workout doesn't need to be three hours IF you're putting absolute effort into the hour that yo're here.
Should I be doing workouts that are long and grueling and super heavy weights? Or should I do workouts that allow me to move a little quicker, a little bit faster, and still challenge myself with different strength aspects?
That's what we want you guys to start thinking about...
Are you challenging yourself correctly?
Are you just doing workout, after workout, after workout with no real plan or goal or not hitting any of those workouts hard?
Intensity, aka quality, should definitely come before quantity.
One of the things we've seen recently is everyone throwing on weight vests to do 200m, 400m repeats ,or bodyweight workouts just because they feel it's going to increase their intensity.
The problem with this is that it actually decreases their intensity. You end up moving much slower, getting less done in the same amount of time. So your intensity lowers and you end up not breathing as hard, therefore you don't get as much of a result out of the workout as intended.
We want you guys to focus on intensity rather than trying to make everything super difficult," Coach Mike explains.
So basically, if you're going to come in for a 2 hour workout, ex. 1 WOD class and 1 All Out class, what happens many times is you might not go as hard as you should in the first class because you have another class after that.
That's the big problem.
You're not going to going at the prescribed intensity for the workout. You're going to be going a little slower when what we want you to get from our classes is get a great warm-up and get really warm, get comfortable with the movements, and then hit the workout with full intensity.
A ten minute workout at the proper intensity is 100 times better than a 2 hour workout going at a lower intensity.
That's where quality over quantity really comes into play. It's a recurring theme at Strong Together Chester CrossFit. We talk about it often.
We want you to have the best QUALITY workout.
That's why we're here. That's why we do what we do. We want you to have the best workouts you possibly can.
Keep doing what you're doing, keep your intensity high, and everything else is going to line up for you.
See you in class!

Benjamin Krymis, Co-Founder and CEO
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