Every January 1st we think about a few things, how was last year overall? Was it a good year? What can I do to improve? The next thought that comes into our mind is our New Years resolution. Yep, that guy. A goal that we all have in mind and set for ourselves for the new year! These can range from eating better, to working out more or even something simple like do one good deed a day. Whatever your resolution is it is easy to say this is what I am going to do. But the hard part is actually committing to that goal. For the most part, after about two to four weeks people have already forgotten about their goals and have said “There’s always next year”. Some people hit their goal but then fall off after six months, very rarely do people make it to their initial goal and maintain it, through the entirety of the year.
It is always easy to say “forget about it” and not continue on. But then what is the point? When the ball drops again come January 1st and you ask yourself those same questions again reflecting on the year, where did the improvement and goal vanish to? It’s all about STICKING to your goals in bits and pieces! Remember, no one is telling you to eat better or get into the gym more, you set that goal for yourself because you know it is something you need to work on!
Believe it or not by following through on your resolution you are making yourself a better person than you think. First, you have achieved something that you set out to do so right there you are better than a year ago! Second, the will power to commit to a goal and realizing that is going to make you better is showing self awareness and showing the honesty you have with yourself. Lastly, the mental toughness that it takes to hold on to a goal throughout a year is something that will help you each and every year! We here at the box call that “GRIT.” Think about it for a second, if you have a big project at work that needs to get done and at some point you just say “I don't want to do this anymore, its too hard.” Think back to that year long goal of eating healthier than you had. I bet it was hard but you didn't give up if you can do something thats hard for an entire year, there is no reason why a short term goal can't be accomplished!
Some easy ways to help you through your resolutions:
Take it one day at a time don't look ahead and think “man, I have a whole year of this?!” Think of it day by day.
Surround yourself with people who support you. Tell your friends and family what your resolution is and ask them for help to keep you on track. There is no problem asking for help and I am sure that your loved ones would be more than willing to support you in seeing it through. I think you would agree, your husband or wife isn’t going to say, “You want to lose 20 lbs# this year? That’s a stupid goal…”
Keep your eyes on the prize! Remember why you set that goal in the first place, how much better that goal is going to make you, and how reflective your grit is to the people you surround yourself with (your family, kids, associates, colleagues, etc.). When you feel like giving up remember why you started and what you are doing this for. Don’t give up because it is hard, push through it and you will come out better than you went in!
Overall it is not easy to make a change in your life - believe me, I get that - but you know the change you set for yourself is going to make you better. So make that change, stick to that goal and make sure when the ball drops on January 1, 2019, you look back at your resolution and say with confidence that you actually RESOLVED and achieved it! You're a better version of yourself moving forward.
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