WODscars 2018 was an absolute hit!
We are so grateful for all of you, our wonderful members. We wish we could give everyone an award for showing up the way you do daily - ready to work and with a smile! For those of you who missed our event this year, are new to the Strong Together Chester team, below are this year's WODscars 2018 award winners. Give them a HIGH FIVE when you see them in class:
Most Improved Male: Rob DeRienzo
Most Improved Female: Kiersten Krum
Best Dressed: Wayne "Big Daddy" Rice
Silent Assassin: Cruz Tlapala
Best Couple: Sasha and Mike Bligh
Iron Woman: Mallory Bartow
Most Helpful: Chris Capone
Will Jump Off a Bridge With you Award: Matt Murello
Sir Sweats-A-Lot: Carlos Santiago
Best Overall over 40 y/o Female: Laurel Rielly
Best Overall over 40 y/o Male: Rich Davis
Rookie of the Year: Anneris Halady
THE ODEN AWARD WINNER: Marianita Lemma!!!
*The Oden Award goes to the person of utmost character, the person that does their business, works hard even when only ODEN (my pup) is watching from the corner of the gym. This is our most prestigious award an should be recognized as such. Our gym has MANY that were up for that award but Marianita represents the Oden Award every time she walks in the door. No matter tough times were going on this year, Marianita showed up consistently and with a smile on her face because she knew coming would make her a better human. Congratulations Marianita and ALL!
Until next year...